Lose Weight With Storytelling
How to lose weight with storytelling.
When it comes to losing weight, there are hundreds if not thousands of solutions out there. How many calories you’re burning, what you’re cutting out, smoothies, shakes, workouts, websites, apps…the list goes on and on! No matter what kind of program you’re looking for, someone has a weight loss solution for you.
But what if those solutions aren’t working for you? What if calories in and calories out just isn’t enough? What might be missing from your weight loss routine?
That missing piece? It could be your story.
And I don’t mean the plain, simple story about you. I mean the ugly, heavy, hard to tell, story. Those stories we carry with us not only emotionally weigh us down, but physically, they weigh us down too.In this video, I’ll share a story about a friend of mine and maybe it will help you with your hard-to-tell story. And I’ll tell you how getting those stories off your chest, might just get the pounds off your body and lose weight with storytelling.